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来源: 猪译馆   2020-03-10 13:49:01   查看:  次



前言 Foreword



编者的话 Editor's Note



15a  转入妊娠舍(电子母猪饲喂器)

 Insertion In The Gestation Unit (Esf)


15a.1 转群前

Before Insertion



Assessment of the animal. Animals that do not walk normally, has shoulder wounds or other disorders are put in a hospital pen or is culled.



Check ear tags with an ear tag reader. 


检查接收器接收的号码与母猪的号码是否相 符。

Check that the transponder corresponds to the sow number.



Cycle days in the computer is held up to the mating list.



Rate the body condition and adjust the feed curve in relation to their body condition.



Make the sow active/ present in the control program.



The night before the feeder is closed by the sows in the mating/control unit for those sows there will be moved the following day.



15a.2  转群当天

By Inserting (On The Day)



Try to introduce new animals into the group as seldom as possible (semi-stable or stable groups).



Insertion should be done in a quiet period – typically after lunch.



The sows are sluiced if possible through the feed station into the pen and are allocated half ration.



15a.3  来自病猪舍的健康母猪

Healthy Animals From The Hospital Pen



Try to introduce new animals with at least 10 other animals.



Sows in nest boxes.



Sows lying on slatted floor.


15a.4 不好的转群方案会导致

Poor Insertion Strategy Leads To


1.         群体中有些母猪需要治疗,但治疗起来很困难,也很难治愈。

That there is inserted treatment required sows in the group, and thereby does it difficult to treat and cure the sows.


2.         母猪几天吃不到饲料。

That the sows do not get feed for several days.


3.         母猪在相当长的时间里,只能吃到勉强维持生命的饲料。

That  the  sows  “survive”  on  rations  in inappropriate long time.


4.         因等级竞争而引起太多母猪的肢蹄受伤。

That too many sows get leg and foot injuries due to rank matches.


5.         新转入的母猪在被群体接受前,只能躺在冷的漏缝地板上。

That the newly inserted sows lie on the cold slatted floors until they are accepted into the



6.         如果将来自同一个群体的母猪,转入不同的圈舍,会增加工作量。

An increased workload, if the animals from one group are inserted into several pens.


15a.5  补充说明转群方案

Additional Comments: Insertion Strategy



It gives the optimal use of gestation places in stable groups by only moving the good walking to the gestation unit. Timely treatment gives increased durability among the sows. Criterias for exposure is shown in the handbook sheet about leg and hoof ailments. Sows with shoulder wounds grade 2 is placed in a hospital pen. Sows with shoulder wounds grade 3 and 4 is put to sleep, and sows with shoulder wounds grade 1 is placed on the OBS-list.



Is it for reasons of space necessary to insert questionable animals in the gestation unit, they should as a minimum be put on an OBS-list.



Eartags are checked to avoid that sows with defective eartags should be found in the large groups.



By insertion each animal should be thoroughly assessed in terms of body condition. It is crucial to the sow’s career that the sow is in proper body condition at farrowing. Note that thin and young sows often have longer duration of eating, and therefore they must be handled differently in relation to the other sows. This is reflected in the choice of feed curves and setting of eating time.



If the sow is not manual activated/ present, the sow will not be on the selected feed curve.



By closing the feed the sows are motivated to go through the feed station.



Each time you insert new animals, there are rank matches. By careful socialization of gilts, older well ranked sows as well as weak rank gilts with advantage are inserted in the same group. There should be a minimum of 10 animals inserted at the same time in the pen.



Insertion should be done in a quiet period, the earliest right after lunch, when most of the group has eaten. This ensures peace in the unit and a relaxed welcome.



It is recommended to insert the sows through the feed station. This is to ensure that all the sows are familiar with the system.



Alternative 1


Alternatively, the sows are put directly into the group. In these cases it is recommended that the inserted sows are fed before insertion and is first allocated feed in the feed station the following feeding day. This practice is used in cases of high occupancy of the feed stations.



Alternative 2


Most gentle is the insertion by feeding normal morning ration and half rations through feed station (if technically possible). This ensures a lower burden of the feeding stations and filled and calm sows in the pen.


15b. 转入妊娠舍(饲喂/休息栏的自由进出栏)

 Insertion In The Gestation Unti (Feeding/resting Boxes)




Insertion Time



The following times for insertion of sows in pens with a feeding box per sow:

  1. 1.         配种前

Before mating

  1. 2.         配种后

After mating

  1. 3.         配种4周后

4 weeks after mating



Before Insertion



Assessment of the animal. An animal that do not go normally, has shoulder wounds, is very thin or has other dysfunctionals is set in the hospital pen or is culled.



The sows are divided, if possible in groups, by body condition. A breakdown of the weak groups, into two groups could meet the energy needs of the sows, so that the big sows are fed differently than the smaller sows.



The pen is filled with bedding and it is checked that all boxes, feedboxes and water valves are working.



By Insertion (On The Day)



The animals are fed before insertion in the pen. Filled sows fight less than hungry sows.



The pen is filled at once with both sows and gilts. If the animals are mated in the pen, gilts and lean sows can advantageously be housed in a separate pen where feeding can be done individually, if the animals are fixed in the box.



Aim for stable groups, ie. Don’t put new animals into existing groups.



Excess animals from the weak groups can be housed in a spare pen.




Healthy Animals From Hospital Pens



The animals are put together with their mated group. Alternatively, put the animals into the spare pen.



Bad Insertion Strategy Causes



That there is inserted treatment required sows in the group, and thereby making treating and curing difficult.



Poor spreading of bedding in the lying area means that the animals remain in their box.



Pens with feeding/resting boxes.



Sows in box with bedding in the lying area.




Additional Comments: Insertion Strategy



Each time you insert new animals in a group, a new formation of hierarchy will occur. Sows investigate who is most strong by marking or fighting, if the other sow does not dodge. These fights are stressful for the sows, therefore as little mixing as possible is recommended.


6.1 转群前

Before Insertion



At weaning the sows are inserted in the gestation unit where they are until they are moved into the farrowing unit. This is the following consequences for the design and layout of the pens: 

1)        给那些不发情、返情的经产母猪和后备母猪留15-20%的额外空间,而且针对不同群体大小的差异还需预留10%的空间。这些额外的空间可以建成一栋备用的圈舍。

15-20 % extra spaces for animals that do not come into oestrus, returners and gilts. Furthermore, there should be established 10 % extra spaces for variations in the group sizes. Extra space can possibly be established in a spare unit. 

2)        需要有足够宽的饲喂/休息栏(65-70cm(内部尺寸))。

There should be feeding/resting boxes that are wide enough (65-70cm (internal dimensions)).

3)        在群养舍中,地面要防滑(排水地板要有垫料),根据法律要求,两排自由进出栏之间至少相距3米。

When it is loose housing, the floor must be slip free (drained floor with bedding) and the distance between the boxes should be more than 3 meters according to the law.

4)        至少用两种饲料来饲喂母猪,即空怀母猪的日粮比妊娠母猪的日粮能量高。

It must be possible to feed the animals with at least two mixtures in the unit, so that the empty animals are fed with a more energetic feed than pregnant animals.

5)        为了使后备母猪能够融入母猪群,可以考虑一开始就让后备母猪进入群体。为了分出年轻的母猪,要将群体分转入两个圈舍,一个为后备母猪和青年经产母猪,另一个为较老经产母猪。

To get gilts integrated into the group of sows, one can consider to the gilts to the group from the start. In order to spare the young animals, the group must be divided into two pens – a pen with gilts and young sows and a pen with older sows.



After Mating



Sows and gilts can be moved into the gestation unit just after oestrus. This will have following consequences for the design and layout of the pens:


返情母猪将占用15 % 的额外空间,而且针对不同群体大小的差异还需预留10%的空间。这些额外的空间可建成一栋备用的圈舍。

15 % extra space for returners and 10 % extra space for variations in the group size. Extra space can possibly be established in a spare unit.



Variations in the group size can be handled two ways:

a. 每一栋猪舍内都要有可调节的空间,这样妊娠鉴定后就可以封闭多余的栏位。

There shall be room for the fluctuation in each pen so that the excess boxes after pregnancy control is blinded off.

b. 有从其它群体转入的母猪,这会降低工作人员对猪群的整体概念。

There are inserted sows from another group to the pen, which reduces the overview for the staff.



Sows and gilts can be placed in the same pen. 


6.3 配种4个星期后

4 Weeks After Mating



Sows are inserted in the gestation unit 4 weeks after mating and after pregnancy control. This will have following consequences for the design and layout of the pens:

1.       圈舍内栏位的数量和预计分娩母猪的数量相对应。即假定所有的返情母猪都在转入妊娠舍前被查出来,所以不需要计算额外空间。

The number of places in the pen is complied with the desired number of farrowings. It is assumed that all returners are found within insertion in the pen, why there should not be calculated with extra places.

2.       经产母猪和后备母猪可以安排在同一猪舍内。

Sows and gilts can be placed in the same pen. 



Timely treatment increases durability among the sows.Sows with shoulder wounds grade 1,2 and 3 is put in the hospital pen. Sows with shoulder wounds grade 4 is put to sleep.



Sows coming into a pen with plenty of bedding will be calmer, and the bedding will divert their attention from the ranking fights. The number of functioning feed dispensers, valves and boxes must match the number of sows in the pen to ensure that all the sows are fed and hereby avoid confrontations between the sows. Remember to close the remaining boxes and hereby avoid that the sows are shuttling between the boxes during feeding.



If the weakly groups contain more animals than there are places for in the pen, excess animals are placed in a spare unit. If the weakly group contains fewer animals than there are places for, the excess boxes and valves should be closed.



Cured sows from the hospital pens are placed in the pen with sows from the current mating group. If this is not possible, animals from the hospital pen is placed in the spare unit.







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