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大棚猪舍的建设和管理 (上)

来源: 猪译馆   2020-09-21 15:25:45   查看:  次




“眼见他起高楼,眼见他宴宾客,眼见他.....”,咱们今天说的不是楼房养猪,倒是另外一种超级接地气养猪方式--大棚养猪。大棚养猪的优势明显:小快省--单体地块需求小、启动资金相对封闭猪舍更少、猪舍建筑成本低、建设周期很短、功能切换很容易(养猪-不养猪),劣势也同样显著:更多的劳力、垫料&饲料消耗多等。本文详尽地陈述、分析大棚猪舍与封闭猪舍在建筑、运营、维护、效益等方面并进行比对,在生猪养殖模式方面展示了另外的一种可能性,对于有限资本想快速进入生猪养殖行业的投资者,大棚猪舍养殖不失为最佳选择之一,但是否适用与中国或者自己, 视各自掌控的资源而定。大棚猪舍--此地风景颇有奇异之处, 有请观瞻.....



大棚猪舍的建设和管理 (上)

Managing Market Pigs in Hoop Structures (Part 1)


作者 Authors

1Mark S. Honeyman

2Frederick Wm. Koenig

1Jay D. Harmon

1Don C. Lay, Jr.

1James B. Kliebenstein

1Thomas L. Richard

3Michael C. Brumm

1爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University

2美国中西部计划委员会 MidWest Plan Service

3内布拉斯加大学 University of Nebraska


审稿人 Reviewers

Eldridge R. Collins, Jr.,


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Don D. Jones

普渡大学 Purdue University




Pork producers in the United States who are looking for lower cost structures for raising pigs have shown a great deal of interest in hoop structures or hooped shelters as facilities for housing market or finishing pigs. Producers need to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of this type of housing. A number of manufacturers offer these units for sale, but little objective data are available to help producers decide if a hoop structure is a good investment. The information in this publication is intended to help producers and designers resolve some of the issues involved in using a hoop structure. The fact sheet discusses some of the management techniques that hoop structures require, and it presents economic factors that can be used to analyze the alternatives.


What Is a Hoop Structure?



A hoop structure is a Quonset-shaped structure with sidewalls 4 ft to 6 ft high made from treated wood posts and wood sides. Tubular steel arches are fastened to the tops or sides of the posts to form a hooped roof, which is covered with an opaque, UV-resistant, polyvinyl tarp. When used for swine housing, most hoop structures have earthen floors except for a concrete slab feeding and watering area. The earthen portion of the floor is deep bedded and cleaned after each group of pigs is marketed.



Figure 1 shows a typical hoop structure and Figure 2 shows the common components of a hoop structure. Hoop structures are naturally ventilated and should be sited to take advantage of prevailing summer winds.



Picture 1: Typical hoop structure 




Hoop structures are most beneficial for producers who:

• 需要通用型猪舍设施,以适应快速变化的养猪业

Want facilities with versatility to match a rapidly changing swine industry.

• 需要一个可满足短期使用的猪舍结构,使用后可以拆除,或可以用于其他用途。

Need a short-term structure that can be removed after use or that can be adapted for other uses.

• 望保持较低的固定成本。

Want to keep fixed costs low.

• 资金有限。

Have limited capital.

• 不能接受大型资本投资相关的额外财务风险。

Are not interested in accepting the additional financial risk associated with a large capital investment.

• 愿意处理固体粪污并且有能力这样做。

Prefer to handle solid manure and have the capability to do so.

• 希望工作环境中的粪污气体含量低。

Want a working environment with lower levels of manure gases.

• 有设备和土地资源,能收获农作物残体(秸秆等)用作垫料。

Have the equipment and land resources to harvest crop residue for bedding.

• 愿意选择自动化程度较低、需要更多专业畜牧技能的生产系统。

Prefer a system of production that is less automated and requires more specialized husbandry skills.

• 相信猪应该在有垫料的环境中饲养。

Believe pigs should be reared in an environment with bedding.

• 需要能够快速搭建的猪舍结构

Need a structure built quickly.



Figure 2: Common components of hoop structures. Source: Based on Figure 2, Hoop Structures for Gestating Sows, AED-44.




• 猪群大,难于观察猪只

It is more difficult to observe animals in large groups.

• 大棚猪舍中的猪饲料效率较低。

Hoop pigs may use feed less efficiently.

• 恶劣天气下的工作环境较差。

Less favorable labor environment during inclement weather.

• 大棚猪舍中的猪可能比封闭式猪舍中的猪瘦肉率低

Hoop pigs may be slightly less lean than confinement pigs.

• 大棚猪舍可能比封闭式猪舍需要更多的劳动力。

More labor may be needed for hoops than confinement.

• 大棚猪舍需要大量的垫料。

Hoops require large amounts of bedding.

• 收割垫料的劳动需求可能与收割农作物的劳动需求相冲突。

Labor needs for bedding harvest may conflict with grain harvest labor needs.

• 储存的垫料可能被浣熊和其他动物用作栖息地,从而可能会促进疾病在猪场间传播。

Bedding storage may be used by raccoons and other animals that may foster farm-to-farm disease transmission.

• 大棚猪舍很难杜绝可能携带疾病的鸟类和其他动物进入

It is difficult to exclude birds and other animals that may carry diseases.



Table 1 shows a comparison of various swine finishing facilities. Hoop structures are a good alternative for producers who are unwilling or unable to invest in confinement facilities but want to move pigs from outside lots or Cargill-type floor units to a facility that has a more manageable thermal environment, that provides better runoff control, and that allows better feed usage.



Table 1: Comparison of finishing systems. Based on Table 1, Hoop Structures for Gestating Sows, AED-44.



Planning and Managing the Structure



Structure management issues include the following:

• 大棚猪舍应该作为冷环境猪舍管理。

The structure should be managed as a cold barn.

• 需要防霜冻使用防冻饮水器

Frost-free or no-freeze waterers are necessary.

• 降雨径流必须以于环境无害的方式处理。

Rainfall runoff must be handled in an environmentally satisfactory way.

• 如果在天黑后对猪群进行检查或分区,则需要照明。

Lights are needed if animal monitoring or sorting are performed after dark.

• 25-40头猪应提供一个饮水位

One watering space should be provided for every 25-40 pigs.

• 夏季可能需要额外的乳头式饮水器。

Extra nipple waterers may be needed in the summer.

• 应制定维护和保养计划,包括每12个月检查整个猪舍结构,每6个月检查防水是否有撕裂及其紧固度。

A maintenance schedule should be developed that includes checking the entire structure every 12 months, and checking the tarp for tears and tautness every 6 months.


Planning Details



Producers who decide to build a hoop structure need to treat the construction project as they would any project involving a new structure. Aspects to consider include site selection; proper access to move feed, bedding, and pigs; usefulness within an existing operation; proximity to neighbors; availability of services and utilities; and the possibility of using the structure in conjunction with existing buildings. Provide at least 10 feet of space between multiple hoop structures to allow space for tractors to travel between buildings, snow removal, and drainage.



Hoop structures are naturally ventilated and should be sited to take advantage of the summer prevailing winds. For much of the midwest, the structure is oriented in a north-south direction to take advantage of the prevailing summer winds. Prevailing summer winds should blow into the south end of the building where the feeders and waterers are located and exit on the north.


在生长育肥猪的大棚猪舍中,应该修建一个15- 25英尺4.6-7.6米)长的混凝土区域,或约是猪舍长度的1/41/3用于猪只采食和饮水。这个区域的宽度应该和猪舍一样宽,并向南远离垫料区的方向)倾斜1%2%(每英尺长度下降1/81/4英寸)雨水和污水必须储存并在田间施用。

In a grow-finish hoop structure, a 15- to 25-foot long concrete pad, or approximately 1/4 to 1/3 the length of the structure, is provided for feeders and waterers. This pad should extend the entire width of the structure. In such a location, the pad is sloped 1% to 2% (1/8-inch to 1/4-inch drop per foot of length) to the south, or away from the bedded area. The runoff must be stored and field applied.



A typical hoop structure is 30x72 ft and holds approximately 180 head of finishing pigs in one large group. Figure 3 shows a common layout for a grow-finish hoop structure. Stocking density usually is about 12 square feet per pig. Table 2 shows the typical space distribution in a hoop structure used for housing grow-finish pigs.



Figure 3: Common layout of a grow-finish hoop structure. Source: Based on Figure 3, Hoop Structures for Grow-Finish Swine, AED41.



Table 2: Space distribution in a hoop structure used for grow-finish housing. Note: In hot weather, additional waters may be added. Source: Table 1, Hoop Structures for Grow-Finish Swine, AED-41.



Livestock panels or gates form the endwalls at animal level. To reduce drafts in the winter, these gates can be covered with tarps, sheets of galvanized steel, recycled plastic, or plywood. The bedded end endwalls are closed to reduce winter winds using commercially available tarps or plywood sheets. Many producers close the north end in cold weather, especially in northern climates of the United States. Some producers may close both ends in cold weather; however, closing the structure too tightly can cause more of a problem than leaving it open. In the summer, both ends are totally open, with the steel, plastic, or plywood panels removed from the end gating to increase airflow in the pig zone.



Environment and Ventilation



The primary goal of hoop structures is to protect the animals from the weather. In the summer, the building should provide shade and allow cross ventilation by wind pressure. In the winter, the housing should allow for humidity and draft control. A cold barn with deep, clean, and dry bedding allows the pigs to create a suitable, comfortable microenvironment.



A natural tendency is to try to restrict ventilation to keep warmed air inside the structure. However, restricting ventilation traps the moisture produced by the animals along with the warm air. This creates a situation that can damage the pig’s health.



To reduce risks to animal health from poor air quality, hoop structures must be managed just as any cold, naturally ventilated structure. Do not close the structure too tightly. Do not attempt to manage the structure as a warm barn; it is primarily a shelter. Heat will be given off by the manure pack under the animals to help make them more comfortable.



Because wind is a major force in the ventilation of any naturally ventilated structure, orient a hoop structure to intercept the prevailing summer wind through the feeder end opening. Do not construct a hoop structure where buildings, trees, or other large obstructions block the prevailing summer winds. For most structures, the minimum separation distance from obstructions to the end of the building should be 75 ft.


Ridge and Sidewall Openings



 A structure with an open ridge will allow the moist air that builds up to escape through the opening at the top of the structure. Most narrow (<40 ft) hoop structures used for swine housing do not have ridge openings but a ridge opening tarp is now available. Ventilation air enters through a continuous space along the sidewall where the tarp is attached see Figure 4) and exits through the ends of the hoop, depending on wind direction. Because openings are not adjusted, the hoop acts mostly as a wind and snow shelter and does not maintain a set temperature.



Figure 4: Tarp properly fastened to frame and sidewall. Source: Based on Figure 16, Hoop Structures for Gestating Sows, AED44.



Endwall Ventilation



Hoop structures rely on endwall openings to aid air flow through the structure. The ends are open most of the year. The downwind end is usually closed during harsh conditions in the winter (See Figure 5); the upwind end also may be closed during the harshest part of the winter. A gap at the top of the endwall prevents the building from being closed up too tightly and aids in natural ventilation when the ends are closed. Where hovers or wind baffles on gating are used to reduce drafts, the draft prevention devices must still allow ventilation and moisture removal to occur.



Figure 5: Figure 5. Closed end of hoop during cold weather. Source: Based on Figure 13, Hoop Structures for Gestating Sows, AED44.




Make provisions to cool the pigs for summer heat relief. Many producers add a wetting or sprinkling device. They place these devices at the edge of the concrete apron so any prevailing breeze carries the water over the bedding pack. Pigs digging mud holes in the bedding pack has not been a problem when these wetting devices are managed properly.



Wetting of the pigs should be done using a cycle timer to allow evaporation of water from the pig’s surface to enhance the cooling effect. Careful management is necessary to prevent problems with wet bedding.







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