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大棚猪舍的建设和管理 (中)

来源: 猪译馆   2020-09-21 15:30:13   查看:  次




“眼见他起高楼,眼见他宴宾客,眼见他.....”,咱们今天说的不是楼房养猪,倒是另外一种超级接地气养猪方式--大棚养猪。大棚养猪的优势明显:小快省--单体地块需求小、启动资金相对封闭猪舍更少、猪舍建筑成本低、建设周期很短、功能切换很容易(养猪-不养猪),劣势也同样显著:更多的劳力、垫料&饲料消耗多等。本文详尽地陈述、分析大棚猪舍与封闭猪舍在建筑、运营、维护、效益等方面并进行比对,在生猪养殖模式方面展示了另外的一种可能性,对于有限资本想快速进入生猪养殖行业的投资者,大棚猪舍养殖不失为最佳选择之一,但是否适用与中国或者自己, 视各自掌控的资源而定。大棚猪舍--此地风景颇有奇异之处, 有请观瞻.....


大棚猪舍的建设和管理 (中)

Managing Market Pigs in Hoop Structures (Part 2)


作者 Authors

1Mark S. Honeyman

2Frederick Wm. Koenig

1Jay D. Harmon

1Don C. Lay, Jr.

1James B. Kliebenstein

1Thomas L. Richard

3Michael C. Brumm

1爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University

2美国中西部计划委员会 MidWest Plan Service

3内布拉斯加大学 University of Nebraska


审稿人 Reviewers

Eldridge R. Collins, Jr.,


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Don D. Jones

普渡大学 Purdue University



Feed and Water



Hoop structures usually use self-feeders placed on the concrete area. In a grow-finish operation, provide a feeder space for every five to ten pigs. A typical 180- to 200-head hoop structure has two or three 12-hole self-feeders and one, four-hole no-freeze waterer. In the summer, additional watering space is necessary and can be provided by one or more nipple waterers.



Managing the Pigs



Pig performance. Feed intake is often more in hoops than confinement, particularly in the winter. The amount of additional winter feed varies between farms, climate, and seasonal extremes. Typically, for the first one or two uses of a hoop structure, the producer provides the same diet as for pigs in confinement buildings until a clear pattern of elevated feed intake emerges. Some producers are now beginning to adjust diets for nutrient density with an expectation of elevated feed intake. In winter, a good estimate is that 0.3 lb more feed will be needed per pound of live weight gain, or about 10% more feed as compared to confinement buildings. In the summer, a good estimate is that there will be no difference or a 0.1 lb more feed per lb of gain in hoop structures. For a yearly estimate, use 0.2 lb more feed per lb of gain in hoop structures.



On the basis of experiences in both winter and summer, backfat is estimated to average 0.1 inch more at the tenth rib for pigs raised in hoop structures compared to pigs raised in confinement. Average daily gain for hoop-housed pigs is as good as that of confinement pigs and may be greater if the pigs are healthier. The deep bedding and additional floor space probably positively affect the social structure and behavior to allow for such a large group size. Behavior research has shown that hoop pigs exhibit fewer stereotypical behaviors that are signs of a stressful environment than confinement pigs. A majority of producers report a three to four-week marketing range. That is, the time from the sale of the first pig to the removal of the last pig is three to four weeks. With 180 pigs, this usually means that approximately five pigs do not reach minimum market weight. These results are similar to those obtained in confinement operations.



Health. The health of pigs in hoop structures is generally good. Studies report that death loss has been minimal in hoop structures and is often lower than in confinement buildings. Respiratory problems have been minimal. To date, experiences have shown that a wide variety of pig genetics are adaptable to hoop structures. Pathogens could build up in the dirt floor under the bedded pack with long-term use. Roundworms can be an additional long-term health management concern if the pigs are not wormed or parasite free before entering the facility. If parasites become a concern, a layer of soil can be removed and replaced with a new layer with lime added. A routine monitoring program for both external and internal parasites is recommended.



Pig handling and management. Because the pigs are in a large group in a bedded setting, it is important to walk through them frequently to check the health status of each pig. It is very difficult to check all of the pigs by looking into the structure. Producers should check their pigs daily. To facilitate animal handling, a hoop structure needs to have a good gating system with some type of sorting area.



The gating system must be able to:

• 卖猪时便于分群

Sort animals for market.

• 能关闭尚不出售的猪。

Hold back smaller animals not going to market.

• 将生病的其他猪群分开。由于大棚猪舍的布局和猪群规模较大, 对猪的识别、转移/治疗可能比较困难。

Separate sick animals from the larger group. Because of the layout of hoop structures and large group sizes, identifying, removing, and/or treating sick animals can be difficult.



In some instances, hoop structures have been constructed next to an existing concrete pad, and the existing pad has been used for sorting. In other instances, additional expense is necessary to construct a sorting area. Producers report that pigs from hoops sort and load well with adequate facilities. Portable loading chutes are effective for loading market animals if one to three hoop buildings are being used. If an operation has more than three hoop structures, a permanent loading facility is more efficient.



Managing Solid Manure



Before considering a hoop structure, one must carefully plan on how to handle the bedded manure pack. The proper equipment to remove the manure resulting from the bedded pack must be available. If direct application to a field is not possible, then space to stockpile the manure is needed. Knowing the nutrient content of manure is essential for those who have developed a manure management plan for their fields. Because of the drier bedding from hoop structures, the manure will have a higher-carbon/lower-nitrogen status than manure from facilities with semisolid or liquid manure systems.



Removing Solid Manure



The manure/bedding mixture removed from the hoop structure is either directly spread on fields or stored for later use. Typically, there are few custom haulers available that will handle solid manure. If this is the case, a manure spreader, loader, and tractor must be available for on-farm usage. Corn stalks are often used in the midwest for bedding. Corn stalk bedding is not easily handled due to the potential for wrapping on manure spreader beaters. An ordinary skid-steer loader will probably not be sufficient to tear apart the pack for loading.



Most producers agree on 10-15 hours of total labor to clean a hoop structure for 180-200 pigs and spread the material on nearby cropland. The best equipment to remove the bedding pack is a front-wheel assist tractor with a grapple fork attachment on the front-end loader.


垫料 Bedding



Bedding is one of the keys to the success of hoop structures. The producer must determine how many acres are available to provide residue for bedding and then decide how many of those acres must be harvested to meet bedding needs. Enough bedding must be provided to keep the soil under the bedding pack relatively dry. Pigs establish certain dunging areas throughout the structure. Many times, winter groups will sleep in the north end and along the wooden sidewalls and dung in the space between the bedding area and the concrete slab used for feeding and watering. Additional bedding may be required in that area to prevent the dunging area from becoming sloppy. Large round bales used for bedding are shown in Figure 6.



Figure 6: Large round bales used for bedding. Source: Based on Figure 13, Hoop Structures for Grow-finish Swine, AED41.


Several materials have been used successfully for bedding although most experiences have been with baled corn-stalks. Table 3 lists other products that can be used, along with the approximate amount of bedding needed. In some instances, hoop structures have been constructed next to an existing concrete pad, and the existing pad has been used for sorting. In other instances, additional expense is necessary to construct a sorting area. Producers report that pigs from hoops sort and load well with adequate facilities. Portable loading chutes are effective for loading market animals if one to three hoop buildings are being used. If an operation has more than three hoop structures, a permanent loading facility is more efficient.



Table 3: Estimated amount of bedding needed for pigs in a hoop structure. Source: Table 2, Hoop Structures for Grow-Finish Swine, AED-41.



Soil conservation. In regions where residue cover is required on highly erodible lands, the harvesting of corn or bean stalks may not be a viable option.



Custom baling. As indicated above, baling, transporting, and storing corn stalks may cost $10-20 per ton. Additional costs are incurred in transporting bales. On-farm baling, while requiring less out-of-pocket expense, is not a low-cost option. Additionally, stalk-baling results in more wear on round balers than does normal hay baling.



Bedding availability. When a wet fall or early snow prevents stalks from being baled in a timely manner, they may become less available and more costly. A situation of this type could require a shift in priorities from doing all of the grain harvesting first to a system of harvesting and baling stalks.



Bedding storage. Bedding baled in the fall and used before the spring generally does not deteriorate if stored outside. However, if stored into the spring and summer, bedding must be protected to prevent reduction in quality. Bales that will be used during spring and summer should be stored under cover on a well-drained area. Bales stored outdoors will lose bedding quality, thereby increasing costs. 



Storing Solid Manure



If manure is applied directly to the fields, storage requirements are minimal, but if solid manure is stored after cleaning, then designing a space to safely stockpile the manure is necessary. Knowing the amount of manure to be stockpiled is necessary to properly design the storage area.



As it comes directly out of the hoop structure, the high degree of variability in the bedded pack makes it difficult to predict manure nutrient contributions to crop fertilization needs. Composting is likely to occur if the manure is stored for any length of time and will provide volume reduction of one-third to one-half and nutrient stabilization prior to field application. Such composting will occur with minimal management if the material is piled in windrows about 6 ft high and 12 ft wide.



The bedding pack composts well. Mixing the material to achieve a higher degree of uniformity can be easily accomplished while building the pile. Place dryer material at the bottom of the pile, and alternate wet and dry layers. Additional mixing, as would occur during turned windrow composting, may offer a benefit in terms of volume and weight reduction, but will also result in more nitrogen loss through ammonia volatilization. Contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for recommendations on composting manure.



There is some concern about nitrogen leaching from storage, especially during high rainfall. In most states, environmental control agencies are concerned about runoff potential and will inspect areas designated for manure storage. Storing manure on a concrete pad can be an effective management tool that will provide a solid base to make manure removal easier and can be designed to safely control runoff from the area.







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