“眼见他起高楼,眼见他宴宾客,眼见他.....”,咱们今天说的不是楼房养猪,倒是另外一种超级接地气养猪方式--大棚养猪。大棚养猪的优势明显:小快省--单体地块需求小、启动资金相对封闭猪舍更少、猪舍建筑成本低、建设周期很短、功能切换很容易(养猪-不养猪),劣势也同样显著:更多的劳力、垫料&饲料消耗多等。本文详尽地陈述、分析大棚猪舍与封闭猪舍在建筑、运营、维护、效益等方面并进行比对,在生猪养殖模式方面展示了另外的一种可能性,对于有限资本想快速进入生猪养殖行业的投资者,大棚猪舍养殖不失为最佳选择之一,但是否适用与中国或者自己, 视各自掌控的资源而定。大棚猪舍--此地风景颇有奇异之处, 有请观瞻.....
大棚猪舍的建设和管理 (下)
Managing Market Pigs in Hoop Structures (Part 3)
作者 Authors
1Mark S. Honeyman
2Frederick Wm. Koenig
1Jay D. Harmon
1Don C. Lay, Jr.
1James B. Kliebenstein
1Thomas L. Richard
3Michael C. Brumm
1爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University
2美国中西部计划委员会 MidWest Plan Service
3内布拉斯加大学 University of Nebraska
审稿人 Reviewers
Eldridge R. Collins, Jr.,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Don D. Jones
普渡大学 Purdue University
Budget and Labor Issues
Table 4 shows cost ranges for labor, operating, and fixed costs. In addition, carcass quality can affect the price offered by a packer. Knowledge of these items will enable producers to strategically compare hoop buildings to other options. Fixed costs are calculated at 13.2% of total investment for confinement and 16.5% for hoops. Confinement facilities are depreciated over 15 years (6.7% annually), while hoops are depreciated over 10 years (10% annually). An interest rate of 10% is assumed for both systems (5% of initial investment). Bedding cost is at the rate of 200 lb of cornstalks per pig. Feed efficiency difference of 0.2 between the hoop and confinement system is based on previous studies and swine producer observations.
Table 4: Estimated costs. Based on Table 4, Hoop Structures for Grow-Finish Swine, AED-41.
Labor requirements. Labor requirements are a highly variable input to swine production systems. Labor varies from farm to farm depending on the layout, level of automation, age and condition of facilities, and other factors. Table 4 also shows some estimated amounts of labor for various tasks. Frequently, production systems with solid manure are viewed as systems that require more labor than production systems with liquid manure. In hoop structures with full-width end access and large bedding bales handled mechanically, the amount of labor required is comparable to the labor needs of conventional systems. Labor needs with hoop structures are probably slightly more than they are in new, well designed confinement systems primarily because large bales of bedding must be hauled and placed into the hooped structure. This difference is estimated at 0.1 hour more per pig.
The type of labor, however, is quite different for hoop structures. It includes bedding the pigs, checking the pigs, and bedding pack clean out. Walking the bedding area daily to check pigs is crucial; with large groups of deep-bedded pigs, consistent observation of pigs is critical for success.
Cost analysis. Table 5 shows a cost analysis comparing confinement and hoop buildings. Costs vary depending on location and availability of materials, so you are encouraged to prepare your own budget in the Your Estimate column with values that reflect your operation. Use Table 4 to help estimate your costs.
Table 5: Market swine cost comparison. Based on Table 5, Hoop Structures for Grow-Finish Swine, AED-41.
The comparisons in Table 5 use a cost of $180 per pig space for a confinement system compared to $55 per pig space for a hoop structure. Each system has 2.8 groups of pigs produced per year. Investment in manure and feed handling equipment is the same for each system. Again, depending upon alterations in system design, location, etc., these values may differ for your operation.
Fixed costs are calculated at 13.2% of investment for a confinement facility and 16.5% for the hooped facility. The interest rate is 10% (5% on average investment), with insurance and taxes at 1.5% for both facility types.
Life expectancy, on average, is 15 years for a confinement building. Because the use of hoop structures as swine housing is a relatively new practice, life expectancy data are not complete; the best estimate is that hoop structures will last at least 10 years.
Feed, repairs, bedding, etc., are based on Iowa State University data. The bedding cost is for the rate of 200 lb of shredded cornstalks per pig. A 1,200 lb bale at $12.00 per bale provides a cost of 1¢ per lb. Interest is at 10%, covering 4 months for the feeder pig and 2 months for the other operating costs excluding labor.
封闭式猪舍的料重比按照每磅增重消耗3.1磅饲料,大棚猪舍的料重比按照每磅增重消耗3.3磅饲料,两者相差0.2。 研究表明,饲料效率的年度差异为0.1磅到0.3磅。猪场所处位置会影响到这些估计值,因为在北方的冬季,饲料效率往往会受到最大的影响。包括清粪在内的人工需求(工作时间),封闭式猪舍估计为每头猪12分钟,大棚猪舍估计为每头猪18分钟。
Feed efficiency is 3.1 lb of feed per pound of gain in confinement and 3.3 lb for the hoop facility; for a difference of 0.2 lb more for the hoop structure. Studies have shown an annual difference of 0.1 lb to 0.3 lb. Location can affect these values, as feed efficiency tends to be affected the most during the winter months in the northern climates. Labor requirements, including manure removal, are assumed to be 12 minutes per pig for confinement and 18 minutes per pig for the hooped structure.
A lean premium of $1.50 per pig is based on less backfat of 0.1 inches for pigs in the confinement system. This would provide a premium of $0.60 per CWT live weight or $1.50 for a 250 lb pig。
其他考虑事项 Other Considerations
For diversified, moderate-sized swine producers, hoop structures offer some additional considerations. The structures are versatile and could be used for alternative purposes, for example, hay, machinery, or grain storage. The hoop structures can be constructed with onfarm labor. The versatility, production flexibility, and low capital costs may result in reduced financial risk. The quality of the work environment is generally good, with no liquid manure and a large volume of naturally ventilated air inside the building. Day-to-day odor is less, and manure can be stockpiled for spreading at appropriate times. However, the added bedding increases the volume of solid manure and requires a different type of manure management than liquid manure. Some bedding may need to be protected from adverse weather for use late in the year. Low cost, high quality bedding must be a high priority for the system. Also, it is unclear whether pathogens or parasites will build up in the soil floor over long periods of use.
总结 Summary
The full impact of new swine housing alternatives such as hoop structures needs to be evaluated for short- and long-term effects. Producers considering a hoop structure need to evaluate initial costs and operating costs for each alternative. They also need to gather as much information as possible about animal performance in different types of housing. Among the major issues that a producer must consider are the following:
• 大棚猪舍比全封闭猪舍的固定成本更低,但运营成本更高(例如:垫料,劳动力,饲料使用)。
Hoop structures have lower fixed costs and higher operating costs (for example: bedding, labor, feed usage) than totally enclosed housing.
• 大棚结构用途广泛,如果不用于养猪,也可用于其它用途,如机械设备的储存仓库。
Hoop structures are versatile and can be used for other applications, such as machinery storage, if not used to house pigs.
• 如果10年内需要更换防水油布,那么这个更换成本也需要纳入成本计算。
If the tarp covering needs to be replaced before 10 years, tarp replacement costs must be added to cost calculations.
• 由于大棚猪舍的初始成本较低,生产者可以用较少的投资测试他们养猪生产的能力。
Because hoop structures have a lower initial cost, producers can test their capability in swine production with a smaller investment.
• 想要建设几个大棚结构猪舍的生产者可能会发现,用于保持土壤的农作物残体的量将成为一个限制因素。
Producers who want to erect several hoop structures may find that the volume of crop residue for soil conservation will become a limiting factor.
• 希望改善户外泥土地养殖或简易棚屋养殖环境的生产者其投资机会很低。
Producers who wish to improve their situation with dirt lots or sheds and lots have a low investment opportunity.
The financial information presented in Table 5 suggests that for a particular application, a hoop structure is a competitive alternative system for pork production. Raising pigs in a hoop system requires less capital, more labor, bedding, and slightly more feed than raising pigs in a confinement system. Producers should analyze their costs and compare alternatives. Given similar costs, other factors may tip the building decision to a hoop structure or a totally enclosed building. Personal preference and perceived benefits of one style over another may sway a producer to choose the housing type which is more appropriate for a specific situation. For example, a producer who wants to expand quickly may find a hoop structure to be the best alternative, while another producer might conclude that the longer history and known attributes of totally enclosed housing are more appealing.