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来源: 刘成、李海 大牧人   2021-05-06 17:26:48   查看:  次

A pig farm built for every pig -- Guangken Nanguang Phase II Project

Following the completion of the Nanguang Phase I 5000 sows farm of Guangken Group in 2020, the Nanguang Phase II 5000 sows project was started in October, 2010 and will be officially put into use in May, 2011. Big herdsman has provided a complete set of equipment including stall system, intelligent ventilation system, intelligent feeding system, water supply system and sewage system for the project. Big herdsman always implements the design concept of making breeding simple and efficient, and provides customers with the best service!
Intelligent ventilation, perfect experience

Summer: classic cooling pad + fan combination, winter: the air into the house from air inlets. With ten years of experience in pig farm ventilation, Big herdsman designers provide the most cost-effective intelligent ventilation system for Nanguang project, so that every lung of pig can fully feel the care of nature!

自动饲喂, 尽享每粒新鲜
Automatic feeding, enjoy the fresh food

Feeding mode: pneumatic + transferred by silo near the house. Fully automatic feeding, the perfect feeding speed, to realize the dream for each pig to fill the body with food!

Intelligent control, information is king

The Big herdsman intelligent control system applies the Internet of things to the pig farm control system, monitors the temperature, humidity, feeding quantity and other parameters in the house in real time, analyzes the state of the pig farm through big data in real time, provides the most timely and reliable production data for the keepers, and provides visual reports to guide the keepers to make decisions and adjustments on the breeding plan.

大牧人畜禽工程研究院 / 内容来源
刘成  李海 / 文章作者
戴永强 / 审核







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